Tuesday 8 May 2012

I Know How It Is...

Hi! I'm here. Again. I know you all must be wondering what has gotten into me. Even I'm thinking the same, but you see, since I've started I am simply unable to resist myself. It's more like I've got so much to pen down that even though I told myself, so determinedly, that I won't post anything today but here I am, writing again. So much for determination and self-control. So, today I have another poem and I perfectly remember when did I write it. It was 22nd June 2010.

Also, there is another important thing related to this poem. It was my first work that I showed to dear mommy willingly (first two were caught by mom coz I wasn't wise enough to place them safely). Anyway, mom read this one and she absolutely loved it! And it was then that she started to encourage me to write more. Being a typical mom, she even went to the limits of thinking about getting a book by me published and all (yeah! She started after just ONE poem). Memories apart, lemme simply write the poem now. Wait. What do I hear? For whom was this written? Well, it was written for a particular situation a friend was facing. Though this friend never came to know of this poem. Hmmm... Life...

Anyway, here it is...

I know how it is
when you wake up every morning
past memories vivid, and you are in mourning.

I know how it is
to go thoroughly now, as before,
like a machine, doing every chore.

I know how it is
to have a fake smile on your face
when you wanna cry in a solitary place.

I know how it is
to ask God to grant that one wish so untrue
and having faith, he will listen to you.

I know how it is
to believe everything will turn perfectly perfect
when you should see life crumbling down to accept the fact.

I know how it is
to see the reality when you would rather
that you and I were still together.

But I know how it is
to pray everyday that this is not true
and life can be the same for me and you.

Yeah! I know it all very well dear pet
So whenever you are low don't forget,
Here's someone who also has been through
And the one who's suffering is not just you.
I'm here, and will always be
By your side, to care for thee...

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