Wednesday 9 May 2012

Tribute To A Martyred Soldier...

Namaste! Today I'll be sharing with you another secret of mine. Since time immemorial, India has been seen as one of the most resourceful countries of the world. 'Golden Bird', does that ring a bell? So, obviously, we have been drawing attention of all the power and money thirsty nations for eons. And, our brave soldiers of Indian Army, Navy and Air-force have been saving us from all the attacks -- foreign and even insiders, who are not even worthy of being called Indians. I know this is an old line but it conveys such a deep meaning that I still love it inspite of having heard it approximately as much as my own name. The line is -- We are able to sleep in our comfortable beds peacefully only because our gallant soldiers face sleepless nights guarding the borders for us.

When I was about about 12, this 'didi' came to stay in our building with her aged parents. Our age difference was 11 years but I don't remember how and when, we became so close. And I know, she had only one dream -- she wanted to marry a defence personnel. She was simply crazy for them. (Though she's happily married now to a civilian and doesn't regret it.) Anyway, I guess that was where my dream also took shape. So here's my secret -- I always wanted to marry an Indian Army Officer. Not that I had anything against Navy or Air-force, but it was as it was. I got so crazy that I learnt all the ranks of all the three defence forces, found out about their selection procedure, their training, the kind of life they live and almost every aspect of their life. I am a Cancerian, so everything is in extremes for me. So, I put my heart and soul in it. Do I still harbour that wish??? I don't know. But I guess if given a chance, I would love to marry one. Some Captain _______ Singh. Why Singh??? Coz that's a common surname in Army. :)

So, I wrote this poem when I was about 18, i.e. 6 years after that craze started. This is my tribute to a martyred soldier of our country. He died for us you know.

ए वीर! बचाने क़े लिए अपने देश क़ी शान 
आखिर क़र ह़ी दी तूने अपनी ज़ान कूरब़ान
तूने भारत माता क़ी आन हें बचाई
पर साथ ह़ी अपनी जिन्दग़ी  ग़वाई 
तूने अपने देश क़े लिए बहुत कुछ किय़ा हें 
अपनी ज़ान देक़र हमे ज़ीवनदान दिय़ा हें

तेरी बहन देख़ती हें तेऱा ऱास्ता
क्योंकि तूने दीया था उसको वास्ता 
कि तू लोटक़र ज़रूर आयेगा 
आकर उसकों डोली मे ब़ेठाएग़ा 

तेरी मां तेऱा अभी भ़ी इंतेज़ार क़र रह़ी हें 
वह ना किस़ी क़ी ब़ात क़ा ऐतबार क़र रह़ी हें 
चमक़ रह़ी हें जो उसक़े मन,
तू ह़ी हें वो आशा क़ी किरण 

तेरे पिता को नही हो रह़ा विशवास
अभ़ी भ़ी हें उनको तेरे आने क़ी आस
वो मानते हेँ कि तू उनक़ा सहाऱा बनेग़ा 
तूझे देख़कर ह़ी तो उनक़ा बुढापा कटेग़ा 

पर अपनो क़ी इच्छाओ क़े कारण कोंन रूका हें 
हां ! तू इस दूनिया से ज़ा चूका हें 
पर यह धरती तूझे अपने साथ रखेगी 
ओर एक दिन भारत क़ी साख जमेगी 
तूझे पल पल याद क़िया जाएगा 
तेऱा लहू ह़ी देश को महान बनाएगा...

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